“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” Aristotle
One of the most powerful ways for you to change your thinking about yourself is for you to commit to excellence. It is to make the decision, right now, to be the best, to join the top 10 percent in your field, no matter how long it takes. The very act of thinking of yourself as potentially excellent at what you do actually changes your mind-set and improves your personality. It makes you happier and raises your self-esteem.You like and respect yourself more, just by deciding to be the best.
If your goal is to be committed to excellence for your career there are some simple actionable steps that you can put in place. If your business consists of clients, then get into the habit of demanding more from yourself than they do of you.
Achieving your full potential requires high levels of courage and confidence. Great success requires a continual willingness to move out of your comfort zone, and to break the bonds of learned helplessness that hold most people back.
The starting point of great accomplishment is for you to break loose from the mental bonds that hold you back. Dreaming big dreams and setting big goals provide the starting point of thinking, seeing, and feeling yourself to be capable of achieving far more than you ever have before.
So therefore, Think of what to do with your life,
* Don't be a liability.
*Never look down on yourself
*Have a critical thinking
*Be Yourself motivation
*Be happy to do things
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